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This Freezing Technique Could Be the Next Frontier in Breast Cancer Treatment

This Freezing Technique Could Be the Next Frontier in Breast Cancer Treatment 

Breast Cancer 

A promising new technique for treating breast cancer involves the use of cryoablation, which essentially freezes the tumors to destroy cancer cells. This method uses imaging techniques like ultrasound or CT scans to precisely locate the tumors. Once located, small, needle-like probes are inserted into the breast to create an ice ball around the tumor, effectively killing the cancer cells.
Cryoablation is particularly beneficial for patients who are not suitable candidates for surgery due to factors like age, heart disease, or ongoing chemotherapy. In a recent study involving 60 patients, only 10% experienced a recurrence of cancer within 16 months, demonstrating the procedure's potential effectiveness. This method is minimally invasive, typically taking around 30 minutes and allowing patients to go home the same day.
While the procedure is still in the experimental phase and pending FDA approval for cancerous tumors, it shows significant promise, especially when combined with hormone therapy and radiation. The main side effect noted is the risk of skin damage, which can be managed with topical treatments. 
Overall, cryoablation could become a viable option for many women, providing hope for those who cannot undergo traditional surgical treatments. 

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